Friday, July 10, 2015

HTML dictionary each and every tags with it use..

HTML dictionary

Many of us try to learn HTML as it is the simplest markup language that anyone can learn very easily so here our team has created a list of tags and information about it so that you can understand easily why those tags are used .. so enjoy it ...
<!-- ... -->Used to give a comment or description. Sentences that lies in this container will not be visible in a browser
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type information
<a>Defines an anchor, but more accurately defined as a link because this link is used for mutual linking between the HTML document into another HTML document
<abbr>Used to describe an abbreviated expression and you can provide useful information to the searcher-penulusur source page (the page source code) / screen readers, translation systems and search engines coming from the stands that have been described, but while in the browser will not appear on the description and just as information only
<acronym>Defining acronyms / tag function is approximately equal to the <abbr>
<address>Defines contact information for the author / owner of a document
<applet>Used to enter the java files into HTML documents
<area />Defines the clickable area (link) on the map image
Make text bold
<base />Defines the base URL / target for all relative URLs in the document
<basefont />Make the default text attributes, such as color, size, font type for all text in a document
Used to override the text direction
<big>Enlarge the text size by one point from the default
Make flashing text
Defines a long quotation. At the moment in a text browser will appear indented into
<body>Defining body / HTML document contents, serves to determine how the content of a document is displayed in the web browser. The contents of these documents can be text, images, animas, links and so on
<br />
Giving a new line / line feed
<button>Defines a clickable button
<caption>Make a caption on the table
<center>For middle alignment of the text or images
<cite>defining quote
<code>Defines a part of computer code
<col />
Defines the attribute values of one or more columns in a table
<colgroup>Determining a group of one or more columns in a table
<dd>Defines a description of an item in the list of definitions
<del>To give the mid-line of the text / cross out text
<dfn>Defines a definition term
Defines a directory list
Defines a section in a document
<dl>Defines a definition list
<dt>Defining the term (an item) in a definition list
<em>Make italic text. Tag function is similar to the <i> but the <em> Preferred / emphasis on the use of italic text
<embed>Used to insert video files or music files
<fieldset>For grouping related elements in the form / make such a frame-box in the form
<font>Defining the type of font, color and size for text
<form>Defines an HTML form to input form
<frame />Defines the frame in frameset
<frameset>Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>Used to indicate the start of a header / title of the HTML document.
<head>Is used to provide information about the document
<hr />Make a horizontal line
<html>Defining root of an HTML document
Make text italic
<iframe>Defines an inline frame
<img />Serves to display images in HTML documents
<input />Defines input field on the form
<ins>Make underlined text
<kbd>The text defines the input from the keyboard
<label>Defines a label for an element <input>
<legend>Defines a caption for a <fieldset>
<li>Used to display information in the form of a list item
<link />Defining the relationship between documents and external sources
<listing>Tag function is the same as the tag <pre> and recommended using <pre> because the <listing> unfit / diprotes
<map>Defining a client-side image maps
<marquee> Make text running vertically or horizontally
<menu>defines a list of menu
<meta />Defines metadata about an HTML document
<nobr>Prevent line breaks in the text or image
<noframes>If the user's browser does not support frames
<noscript>If the user's browser does not support client-side scripts
<object>putting embed an object
<ol>Defines the list numbering format
<optgroup>Displays several options that have been grouped in the form of a drop-down list
<option>Featuring some of the options in the form of a drop-down list
<p>Create a paragraph
<param />Defines a parameter for the object
<pre>Create a text with the same font size
<q>Defines a short quotation
<s>To give the midline of the text / cross out text, tag functionality is the same as the <del> but the <s> is not recommended instead using the <del>
<samp>Defining an example output of the computer program
<script>Defining a client-side script
<select>Make a list of drop-down
<small>Decrease the text size of the default size
<span>Defines a section in a document
<strike>To give the midline of the text / cross out text, tag functionality is the same as the <del>
<strong>Make text bold, tag functionality is the same as the <b>
<style>Defines style information for an HTML document
<sub>Giving effect to the text subscript
<sup>Giving effect to the text superscript
<table>Creating tables
<tbody>To classify the content body in a table
<td>Defining cells in a table
<textarea>Defines a multiline input control
<tfoot>To group footer content in a table
<th>Defines a header cell in a table
<thead>To group the header content in a table
<title>Create a title for an HTML document
<tr>Make rows in a table
<tt>Defines teletype text
<u>Make underlined text, tag functionality is the same as the <ins> but the <u> not recommended for the category of HTML text formatting but including the category HTML Style
<ul>Define lists in bullet format
<var>Define a variable
<xmp>Defines preformatted text, tag functionality is the same as the tag <pre>

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HTML dictionary each and every tags with it use..
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